How old were you when you got the red pill?

I was hooking up with a chick who was your classic "good girl", straight 4.0, rich family, claimed to have only slept with 2 other guys, etc and we were kinda serious, I texted her at a party I was at to tell her another girl just blatantly asked to fuck, her response was, "Ok but wear a condom with her and dont go down on her", I was like wtf I had no intention of having sex with this chick, so I just replied, "Lol ok", and just played it off assuming she was joking.

I hung out with her the next night and she was asking me how it was and was like, I didn't have sex with her I thought we were a thing and she replied, "We are but it's just sex, if the situation was reversed I would have"

And that was the day I realized AWALT

/r/MGTOW Thread