Ex Wife of Amazon CEO has Given Away $4 Billion in Last 4 Months to Food Banks and Emergency Funds

I sure as hell didn't benefit from a lack of insurance or benefits for the year and a half i worked there, where I was denied full-time status but still worked as close to full-time as they could get me. Neither did the woman on my shift who collapsed and was on the floor for 20 minutes before they took her away. Or the people who had to work in those conditions before Amazon did the bare minimum of raising their wage to $15 an hour. Shit, any talk of unionizing is met with immediate termination. Are you really arguing for that shit too?

I'm well aware he doesn't have a Scrooge McDuck stash of wealth that he just sits on like a dragon, but he does not prioritize his workers in any capacity, nor is he as philanthropic as he definitely could be. And those robots you mention are actively hurting the economy because he pays no tax for the jobs they displace. This will only exponentially increase his wealth while the average worker certainly does not benefit. There's more to life than consumerism you absolute clown. Now reply with some more bootlicking.

/r/nextfuckinglevel Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it