Experiment: Broken up BRF cake in WBS.

I will, because it's not for anyone but you.

Look. I made a caustic comment to begin with because this whole post is fucking ridiculous. What set me off was your attitude. Fuck your attitude.

You can't just dive into some shit half-assed and willy-nilly, then smear the shit all over the internet, then lash out at anyone who points out the fallacy of your logic.

This is not an experiment.

It's just fucking stabbing in the dark.

And because you don't understand the basic concepts involved, you are doomed to fail over and over again.

The ONLY remedy is to read more.

You should understand what you're doing before you do it... doesn't that make sense? Like you don't experiment with driving a car unless you know how to drive a car... so you learn first then you experiment.

I've already spent more time on you than most human beings on the planet, and I did so graciously, writing voluminously to try to show you the folly of your ways, and all I get back is snark and pomp.

Your arrogance is misguided.

Your attempt here is a farce.

Read a god-damned book for once in your life.

Try harder.

Stop being so full of yourself.

/r/shrooms Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it