The EU Suppressed a 300-Page Study That Found Piracy Doesn’t Harm Sales

Psh. it has been a long time since i have heard of anyone getting in trouble for pirating!

however on that note. i have come to believe that pirating is going to be used by the government to arrest and detain all people with a subjective opinnion.

but i guess i heard Atalanta arrest all the homeless people for the Olympic . so maybe the governments today are so big they can do what they want without reason. so maybe this is an even scarier thought!

maybe the priracy oissue is like the safe sex issue. with virisus. one key way companies get comprimised is people bring in an infected out side usb device to share with co workers and boom the company gets infected. so if people could only get clean un infected copies of data then companies would be better protected. so maybe the anti piracy group is just like the abstinacy group for sti protection. It is cheaper for families to make sure they do not download anything with virisuss than to upgrade to the latest versions of software. just like it is cheaper for people to not have sex than it is to try to use protection!

tl:dr; I highly doubt piracy issue is about piracy!

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