I have extremely bad driving anxiety to where i only drive to and from work and lyft everywhere else, please suggest a book on how to overcome this i am desperate.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. It tells a tale of man who is experiencing existential dread and other mental health issues relating to his life. It kind of explores his travels in life and how he equates the skills he learned to maintain his motorcycle and the spiritual exploration of the mind. I found it helpful because it reminded me that there is no easy fixes in life and actually taking the time to explore and fix all the little things that lead to bigger problems. Its far more complex than I can express in a few sentences but it is a great self help novel that is hidden in a wonderful story.

The Illusions of a Reluctant Messiah and Johnathan Livingston Seagull are great books from Bach.

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is worthy of reading.

/r/suggestmeabook Thread