FalleN: “Some might contest (our rank) because we didn’t beat Fnatic, but we can’t help that…it’s up to them to make it back and try to beat us.”

No, of course, their success largely comes from their attitude and commitment which is in part them living together, but also their desire to live together and 'live, eat, sleep, breath' the game. As FalleN said, "we don't stop". I feel like the 'family' environment has improved their motivation to the point that there is so much on the line for them because they are entirely a team, completely trust each other, and as a dedicated team they do anything to help the rest of their players (being completely committed and involved in every second of the game, paying attention, and so on).

This too is definitely something you can't teach--like skill; it's an innate desire that has to come from the players themselves. I feel like this isn't so much the case in fnatic, and maybe it never will be. This is more the case for someone like pronax who would probably want to live with his team and live and breath the game; take every strategy and every game as far as it can with the people who felt the same way.

So, yeah, I agree with you, but when a team has that level of commitment AND that level of innate skill you will see these teams crumble. And at the same time, when really good teams like fnatic get someone helping them behind the scenes who can maybe drive them to commit more I would say that LG will fall away a bit. I definitely feel like NiP will be able to rival these teams simply because they have the better players, but also the support and commitment that LG has.

tl;dr I agree, but I feel like a 6th player could step in and do that for most teams, but perhaps not fnatic (part of what makes them great seems to be their desire to be the best individually). For example, seangares and freak whipped C9 into an amazing LG level team very quickly, and that could have just as easily happened with them behind the scenes.

I still respect what LG has done, I just feel like LG doing it will show other teams that they have to work this hard and commit as much if they want to beat them, and ONCE THEY CAN START DOING THAT they will then pull away from LG just because the skill isn't there.

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