Fallout 4 what is there to do after main missions

Tales From the Commonwealth is a mod that adds in a bunch of new side quests with voiced characters. It might be more enjoyable in a new save though.

Fusion Rising, Outcasts and Remnants, and Project Valkyrie are three mods that add in a bunch of voiced characters and quests as well, the last one adding to the Institute a bit I believe while Outcasts and Remnants brings in some old factions to the game.

If you haven't done Nuka World yet there's a mod called Nuka World Reborn that released this year that adds more options on how to handle that game's overall story. The player character is silent in all the new dialogue however all new characters are voiced.

There are the Collector's Guide mods out there too that can help track down any remaining collectibles in the Commonwealth.

If you want to do a new run that's a bit different I would recommend the mod FROST as it turns the game into a more survival setting. Settlements are disabled for the most part, the surface is made radioactive all the time, and the gameplay is more focused on running through subways from one location to the next and see how long you survive. There are notes all over the place to add story however I don't believe there are a whole lot of NPCs around. There's plenty of youtube channels that show the gameplay of this mod if it sounds interesting to you.

Lastly if you want to do a survival mode I would recommend the mod Survival Options as it allows you to toggle on fast travel, saves, adjust how quick hunger and such build up etc. It gives more freedom over the mode then Bethesda provides.

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