Fallout 76 B.E.T.A. Discussion and Reports Thread - Tuesday, October 30th

Installed it on my HDD and it was absolutely unplayable since I only had 5-10 FPS. Then realized my CPU doesn't meet the system requirements. Never thought a second about it since I can run most games (and Fallout 4) on Ultra without any problems. I transferred it onto the SSD and it went up to 10-20 FPS so a bit besser. Settings as low as possible obviously. So do I really have to cancel my Preorder? I am truly confused that I can hardly run it, since I never experienced such problems before. Or could it be that there is another issue in Performance due to the beta? Maybe they can add more Graphic Settings, if the sight distance is killing my CPU. I was very hyped and am truly sad that it won't work. :(

/r/fo76 Thread