Fareed Zakaria: Will America Remain the World's Policeman? Should It?

The UN is a farce, 95% of the worlds problems are due to the countries in its security council who then try and fool the world into their phony emergency meetings that not only solve absolutely nothing, but give the false impression that the UN is a global initiative when in fact its anything but, and worse put money in their own pockets - those who pull the strings.

I think the UN in its present form should be disbanded or reconstructed so that no one superpower especially one with a sketchy track record could police the world. The UN should be a communal, democratic, global organization with equal power among all its members, to better the world, and solve whatever issues the world has for ex: genocides, wars, famines, disease, poverty etc.

I also feel like any government that is accused of genocide, instigating war, supporting those who partake in genocide, mass murder, should be held accountable under international law in front of this global community org. and their political or economic power should not protect them from being put to court and brought to justice.

/r/arabs Thread Link - youtube.com