Fashionable Brighton school has 40 children who do not identify with their sex at birth and another 36 are 'gender fluid'

The child decides their own future when they're old enough to consent, and are not a vulnerable individual. Parents do not decide, it's not their life. The medical professional does not decide, it is not their life. The child, when it grows up, decides what it wants to do.

What I have an issue with here is not whether they transition at all, it's you claiming an innocent child that has no concept of just how serious this decision is in the long-term for its future, can consent to such.

As I said elsewhere, the criteria is loose as hell, and most kids who go on to be perfectly healthy people meet a lot of the criteria.

Kids should be monitored and then maybe asked later in life to see if they wish to follow through on those earlier desires, but to start treatment early on is a gross violation of an innocent child, and the dogma espousing people know fully well these children cannot consent to anything, nevermind gender changing.

This is child abuse advocacy, just as children cannot consent to FGM or newborn circumcision, they cannot legitimately consent to changing gender. They are not old enough to understand.

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