The fatigue system, how many of you actually like it?

Arguments for FP

. It slows bots

It does, but it slows down the rest of the entire playerbase much more. The tried and true methods that cripple bots are strict registration requirements to prevent them from making dozens of accounts every day. Something like phone verification and 1-3 accounts per phone would solve everything.

. Encourages alts

If someone enjoys the game they will make multiple characters regardless. You do not need to tell someone to play more if they are enjoying it. You know what people don't enjoy? Being told they can't play anymore because. It also doesn't help when exp events last only four hours basically telling you when you SHOULD play.

. Makes people come back every day

Slow progression has always been a leading cause in the death of online games. We're nearly approaching the point where much of the playerbase has a character at 50 and will be getting no more than 2 levels a day per character. This is when we will see how much damage the FP bar does.

. Helps casuals keep up with hardcore players

It doesn't. A casual would have to clear as many FP bars per day as a hardcore player. Someone else's progress isn't going to effect your own. It's not like League of Legends where the difference in levels can mean the difference between having flash and not.

. It works for ME so it's a fine!

This is by far the thing I read most in FP discussions. It doesn't mean anything. Your personal opinion and experience is useless in a discussion about how a core gameplay mechanic will effect the entire playerbase, especially if you're a new player that has no idea what you're doing.

Am I missing anything?

/r/DFO Thread