Favorite Dismissal of a Powerful Enemy?

Then there's Tokuhama, the Karui God of War.

He begins his fight by saying "let me you the laws of war."

He's the first God you actually kill in the story. And if it weren't for the fact that he's in the way of progress and rewards a skill point you probably wouldn't even fight him otherwise. The powers you can steal from him aren't great either.

Because he's the first God you kill He's also the easiest with very basic mechanics. He's not even the final boss of the act he's in. The God of War is weaker than the God of the Sea who's the actual final boss of that act.

Funny enough if you talk to a Karui character after you kill Tokuhama you can talk to him about it and he calls you out for killing Tokuhama because "he was one of the good ones." You kill one of the greatest heroes in Karui myth just because he was in your way.

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