Two creepy encounters with a male delivery driver leads to this. I hate living alone as a woman!

My sister started to go the gym in hs (this is like 10 years back plus) . A 27 year old personal trainer started stalking her (I had no idea at the time untill she told me) but he got her number from her membership profile on the gyms systems started to message her weird shit got really creepy and than one day showed up at our house in his car calling her asking her to come outside just to talk and see if she liked him. And I remember this day well because I noticed a car in our driveway and went whos in the driveway and than this is where I found out he was a stalker she briefly told me about it showed me some messages and I went outside and confronted him he drove off.

I went to the gym the next day signed up and signed up for a personal training session with the guy he wasn’t in that day so I scheduled it.

I showed up to the appointment and beat his ass in the gym. They called the cops I told him you sure you wanna press charges we got texts of you making sexual advances towards a minor aka my sister. That’s when he realized who I was. Her brother.

She told me about the creepy shit he would do show up at friends house

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