FBI Director James Comey Testifying on CSPAN

If they really wanted to get this thing rolling, they'd have Jim Jordan lead the questioning. He is the only one who truly doesn't let these motherfuckers get away with their lies, obfuscations, and filibustering. I guess sometimes in the Senate, Cruz nails the evil motherfuckers.

The rest like Trey "I refuse to say Hillary lied" Gowdy and Jason "Trump bad, Brigham Young good" Chaffetz and all the rest are basically bff's with the rest of the D.C. set. This will be a cordial encounter among friends and it has already been rehearsed- political theater.

In fact, they have already sent Comey the list of questions so they can study up and cookbook the outcome. This is to inoculate Comey, make him appear stand-up and present him as a sympathetic character being maligned by "those evil partisan republicans" and ABSOLUTELY THE #1 MISSION is to make sure Trump doesn't get elected.

They pretty much all agree on this. If they wanted to nail Comey down, they'd unleash Jim Jones on him.

I am very skeptical.

/r/The_Donald Thread Parent Link - c-span.org