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The FCC has announced its plan to slash net neutrality, leaving reddit vulnerable. Help us influence their vote on December 14, and help save net neutrality.

The FCC has announced its plan to slash net neutrality, leaving reddit vulnerable. Help us influence their vote on December 14, and help save net neutrality.

How the fuck, in 2017, do we still live under this antiquated system where crusty old self-serving, corrupt to the core, men and women hundreds or thousands of miles away get to make huge decisions that control Our Lives? I could never understand in my 37 years on this planet how in the fuck this is just OK with everybody! We don't need the fucking federal government! And this is gonna go over well I'm sure, but the reality is this country is too big and needs to be broken up like the USSR was! Open borders but regulated locally! No, I don't have all the answers, I fully admit I'm not intelligent enough, but anything is better than this bullshit! We're getting fucked and have been for a long time!

I'm gonna go back to work now so I can help provide my parents with some decent health care and a stable place to live.

Fuck any inevitable downvotes, I'm tired of this shit!! Land of the free my fuckin balls!!

/r/science Thread Link -