At FDA, TVs now turned to Fox News and can't be switched

Really glad this story is getting out. Seems wrong for a government to endorse a news source. Government approved news is too scary.

Aren't we past that now? It's more like the self-interested drones in the government are propagandized and "in-formed" by the same rich folks and intelligence agency assets that the rest of us are 'informed' by, the same people own both the state and the media, by which they impose their strategies for social management (the major one here in the US is known as "democracy", which is really just a thin veneer of democracy where small cliques of rich people pass the highest offices and political appointments back and forth between themselves, their wives, their sons, and their own campaign donors and golf buddies [which, surprise! is what Trump is to the Clinton family!].

They don't even try to hide it, they just know most of us are so dumb and distracted that we won't realize or care about it anyway, and even if we do, it's not like we can do anything about it. Fox only at FDA is like the most minor expression of fascism taking place in the US today, regardless of whether a president's wife or president's son or president's golfing buddy and campaign donor gets "elected".

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