[WP] In a world where inheritances are outlawed, people who will die soon spend/sell everything they own, prompting crazy events and unique projects.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you have heard the arguments presented to you by both the plaintiff and defendants. Normally, this would be when I remind you that it is your duty to weigh the evidence and determine whether the defendants are guilty, but given the particular nature of this case, I feel compelled to restate the closing remarks of each party.

The plaintiff claims that the defendants are in violation of the International Legacy Act, which has been enacted by the United States Government in support of the United Nations treaty of the same name. They argue that while the deceased has not technically given his fortune to his family, he has endeavored to ensure that they alone reap the benefits of his plentiful life, which should, under color of law, be relinquished to the international governing body.

The defendants have stated that the deceased was well within his rights to dispose of his fortune as he saw fit, to include burial at an undisclosed location, and that he had, in fact, used his monies for the betterment of society through entertainment by initiating a treasure hunt. They have acknowledged the fact that they retained the only key to the vault and that the vault was located on a property to which only members of the family have access, but maintain that these hindrances are incidental and they received the same map that was released publically upon the passing of the deceased. Furthermore, they claim they would have granted access to the vault to anyone who could have located it prior to their claim of its contents. As such, the game was not slanted in their favor and they retain legal rights to the 7.68 Billion dollars between them. Furthermore, the deceased was well within his rights to provide the key and property to anyone of his choice prior to his death, and all acts were well within the letter of the law.

It is up to the jury to decide whether the defendants may retain the aforementioned monies, or remand it to the government. I will remind the jury that they will receive no reward for their choice from either party, monetary or otherwise, and their choice should be based on law alone.

The court will recess for three hours, upon which time we will receive an update from the head juror.


/r/WritingPrompts Thread