Feedback, Bug Report - Patch Notes 16/3

  • Type of Bug: Rumble/vibration bug for controllers on PC

  • Description: Some weapons such as the SVD marksman rifle have no rumble when fired, and a lot of SMGs and assault rifles don't have rumble for the first few bullets fired.

  • Video / Screenshot:

  • Steps to reproduce: Fire SVD or an automatic weapon. There are some examples where it works properly as intended (e.g. it works fine for the AK47 but not for the AUG)

  • Expected result: Rumble/vibration should occur when the weapon is fired

  • Observed result: Rumble vibration doesn't occur when firing on some marksman rifles, and won't occur for the first few bullets fired on automatic weapons

  • Reproduction rate: Can be reproduced every time without fail

  • System specs: 6700K, 1080ti, 2666mhz 16GB, Windows 10 Home, all windows updates applied, nvidia drivers updated to latest.

/r/thedivision Thread