Massively Missing the Issue

I will never believe that people don't know when they are exploiting. No one gets a disproportionate advantage and doesn't realize what is happening. Just because the game is glitched doesn't give you the ethical black check to exploit a glitch endlessly for your own selfish interests.

I don't know why that is hard to understand. The problem isn't that Massive doesn't have integrity, its that the player base doesn't have integrity to identify a glitch and choose to not use it.

Stop, if you're old enough to play a game that involves killing thousands of humans then you're old enough to know the most basics of right and wrong. You knew it was an unfair advantage and used it. In the future, don't be so fucking selfish and exercise some restraint and personal accountability. Don't be a dick because you're afraid of consequences, choose to not be a dick because you have to live with yourself.

/r/thedivision Thread