I feel like I am falling behind in my dating life although I am fairly attractive

There's something that's called the male gaze that's essentially sold by Hollywood in films and also sold to men. It's especially present in social media, mens magazines and influencers and the "dating guru's". Generally its men selling other men the idea of what women want. They'll suggest that you need to be tall and you need to be muscular and you need to be handsome and you need to drive a nice truck or you have to be funny. Generally its stuff women actually don't care about, its just men selling other men what they think the men want to hear/see.

Hold on, let me look around before I share this secret... I think it might be safe. Ok so the secret is not all women want the same thing, but overall if they're looking for a guy they're looking for someone who can make an emotional connection and men that feel comfortable enough to open up emotionally and be a vulnerable with them. That's like one of the biggest things. Also be supportive and wiling to share resources. Most men are walled off emotionally. I'd suggest to work on your ability to feel emotional vulnerable with your partners and to be supportive with them.

/r/Healthygamergg Thread