How do you get over the intense fear of becoming an adult

It's really scary at first, but growing up comes with a lot of freedoms and you truly start growing into your own person.

The fact of the matter is you're going to suck at certain things at first and you're going to make mistakes, and that's totally okay! Everyone blunders around for the first bit. You're fortunate to be growing up in the time of the internet and you can simply google how to do a number of things, like how to pay taxes, how to budget, or "how often should I go to the dentist?".

In terms of goals, it's good that you have a rough idea of what you want, but try not to put specific dates or times. I have never met a single person who's met their goals of "graduate at 21, then get married at 25, then have kids at 30". Every single person I've met hit a few bumps in the road, had a few delays, and in some cases, had things come up too quickly!

Keep a rough idea of what you want out of life, what you want to work as, where you want to live, and so on. But also be open to when things change or go in different directions. 10 year old me didn't think I'd go to graduate school, 15 year old me didn't think I'd get married in my 20s, 20 year old me didn't think I was going to move across the country.

Life comes at you fast. Just take everyone one step at a time and you'll be alright. Your next few years are going to be an adventure, so just try to enjoy it.

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