I feel that some trans people detransition just to continue the cycle of attention seeking

Ugh, maybe I need to unsubscribe from this sub. Honestly are people here just for people to project(lie word vomit) their internalized transphobia at the rest of us?

What’s so wrong about incorporating being trans into your personality? Why do people get belittled all the time for this? And why do you care so much? I definitely know trans people that are the opposite of this and then the community asks them why being stealth is important and if they’re ashamed, why they’re not full of pride. Everyone is allowed to decide what something means to them, and how much they want to share. If it pisses you off, just don’t hang out with them; don’t attempt to invalidate the whole community or call them “trenders” or whatever bullshit conservative talking point du jour.

/r/honesttransgender Thread Parent