That feel when 285 lbs

I obviously don’t want to kill him. Also, he can do whatever he wants and doing this by his own free will. If he wants to lose weight I would support him in that. He doesn’t though (not now) and he likes that he can eat sweets etc. He is tall and at 105kg he would be overweight but not obese and that is why we have set that as a limit. Also, we track our vitamin, mineral and water intake and make sure we get enough of everything. I do that for myself (have an app for that) and he eats the same things as I do plus extra’s. I do not, by any means, want to disregard OPs feelings and experiences. I wanted to tell that being overweight is – from the ‘looks’ and attractiveness perspective – something I find very appealing in a men. There are a lot of YouTube videos of men showing off their bigger bellies so I am definitely not the only one whose body-type preference is bigger men. If OP were my boyfriend, I would be worried for his health, because 130kg is too heavy for any length, but I would not be turned off by the fact that he is not muscular/toned and is overweight.

/r/Incels Thread Parent