feeling bad for being sober while raving. who goes sober and what are your expirences?

The truth is, drugs are not extremely bad for a person. That is a conditioned view that has been embedded in us, because uncontrolled drugs and drug abuse is bad for a person and society in general.

The most important thing when using or not using is that you derive joy and your happy chemicals from something in life-music, sunshine, nature, cooking, reading. Something that makes your brain release those healthy, happy chemicals. You already have it, and know what activity activates that part of you. If being under the influence is something you actually want to experience, talk to trusted people for a source, test your batch, take only moderate doses with lots of before and after care. But if it’s just a “should I really like this as much as a I do sober? Is that weird?” Pay no attention to that voice. It’s amazing and normal that you feel the way you do about raves :)

/r/aves Thread