So a Church organized a rave...and it looks phenomenal!

And if Charlie Manson were only talking to himself the Tate murders might not have happened. Hitler came to power because of the little nazis. Bakers, shop keepers, mechanics, just regular people living their lives that eventually just went with the flow turned their heads and closed their eyes. It’s the people that make up the whole that are the issue. It’s the little people the regular people who give the entity power and most have good intentions but with numbers in people the bad has roots to push through the cracks and we start losing grasp on reality in favor of the entities whims. Books get banned, women lose right, lgbtq+ lose rights, non believers lose rights. I’m not saying nor will I say that every religious or spiritual person out there is inherently bad because of what they believe but they say that about me because I don’t share their beliefs. I personally believe (because of history) that as a result of wars being waged, colonization, genocide, and women and child abuse that religion is a dangerous tool used for more harm than good. People are still dying today because of the entity bad people hide behind religion and think it’s okay. If there was nothing to hide behind we could start working on the real issue and that’s the fact that a part of humanity is absolute shit. No satan as a scapegoat no offer of heaven to do right or the thought that just saying sorry to god grants one clemency for horrendous acts. It’s all the small followers that give religion so much power. If one religious person says gay people are bad no one cares but if ten million religious people say gay people are bad oh there’s where gay bans start, don’t say gay, transgender is illegal, same sex marriage is illegal. Women’s rights and bodily autonomy. Different religious views. It’s a slippery slope and one that many people take in jest. Religion is dangerous. I just use buzzwords and shock factor to start the debate and to religion yes my views are dangerous because to religion it’s blind faith that influences the masses.

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