[feeling of sex] what does sex feel like for guys?

You did an excellent job describing the physical sensations. I just want to add, if I may.

Despite the fact OP didn't ask for this, I feel like this aspect of our (male) sexuality gets left unanswered/unexplained/ignored. Because, we aren't just these heat seeking missle dogs that were made out to seem like.

i got into a heated discussion with a woman a few years back, I literally was just friends with her, no attraction but a definite connection intellectually, creatively and all of that (the shit that isn't supposed to matter....to us).

We were drinking, smoking, writing shitty little songs together and talking because we'd formed a friendship, I suspected she was attracted to me, and she was leaving town.

Somehow, everything built up, to the point where we're talking about sex. I, knowing everything about everything, told her about women's sexuality.

She went on the most eloquent, intense, passionate and straight up sexy rant ice ever heard. Poetically, she described to be how her entire body, mind, soul, feet, stomach, ovaries and yes, her vagina felt, the longing...the build up, the murderous need for not just a penis, but one that she wanted...had for whatever reason, her chemicals and her subconscious knew that THIS was what she needed, the only thing that could end all of this. She said there was a burning, and an empty pit inside of her...what she described was in such raw and instinctual terms. It forever altered my view of not only female but also my own sexuality.

That being said. What she needed, in that moment...It was apparently mine...and without any prior intent....I gave her what she wanted. And then she told me, physically and physiologically (yes no?) how that felt. It was the most unexpected, but also the best fucking sex have ever had. It changed my life. Because sometimes at a certain moment when you're at a state of openness, someone explains something and you shut up and listen.

That changed everything about how feel about sex. About how sex felt....the layers. We have those to. The emotional, the unexplainable and the physical. Anyway...just wanted to share because you did such a great job explaining the first layer, the physical. I figured you might appreciate it.

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