Some 16 year old guy on a random discord server sent out this masterpiece

Image Transcription: Discord

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So I got there at 9

I remembered something some guy told me a while back

alcohol is great for drowning your sorrows

So I steeled my resolve

And made an oath

Tonight I will drink alcohol till I pass out

So I started

One large glass of beer

Another large glass of beer

Nothing happened

I just blamed the beer probably cause alcohol concentration in beer is one of the lowest

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After that

I had 2 large glasses of rum and coke

It tasted like shit

But I didn't care

Cause I just wanted to have a hangover

But then again

Nothing changed

I drank all the alcohol in one go every fucking time and there was no effect I was kinda pissed

So I did something crazy

A glass of whiskey


Now I have to get drunk there is no way I won't

And then I drink it as well in one go my throat burns like demons in hell but hey I did it

And then

nothing happened

I was so fucking frustrated

I went to my room

Beat up the bed like a child

Fixed my messy hair and outfit

Went back

And picked up some girl who was from the Jaipur side of the wedding

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/r/thatHappened Thread Link -