I have the feeling this whole Tone situation is just an elaborate plan by Respawn to mob up all the players who abuse cheap/OP things

Saying shit like that doesn't make any sense. Of course anyone can beat anything. This is the problem with people in subreddits like this, for "non-complex" games [Problems like this don't exist in CSGO or dota subs]: People don't seem to understand what the word "Objective" means. Objectively, Tone is too strong. Can you beat him with other Titans? Sure, of course you can. However, would you have an easier time beating him when playing Tone yourself? Most definitely. In a theoretical situation, with two players who are exactly equally skilled at the game, in a straight 1v1, does any Titan beat Tone? Yes, Legion does, because he has higher sustained DPS and higher health. In a realistic 1v1, with two players who are about the same in skill, can you beat Tone with any other Titan? If the Tone player is as good or better than you, no you can not.

The numbers on tone are broken. Period. There is no denying that. A single tracking salvo should not do 3750 damage. That is too much. The numbers on Particle Wall are also off. With the perk, it blocks more than 12000 damage. There also is no drawback to using it. Want to use Vortex Shield? You can't shoot back while you're doing it and it cancels your reload. Want to Thermite Shield? You can't shoot back while you're doing it and it cancels your reload. Want to Swordblock? You can't shoot back while you're doing it and it cancels your reload? Want to Particle Wall? Sure, why not. Here, and if you finished reloading, you can just continue to deal damage while in perfect cover!

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