I fell for a crypto scam through a dating app. Please don’t trust anyone on these apps that mention crypto

I stupidly got scammed when I noticed a particular girl was into bitcoin on a dating app I was using, I’ve been wanting to learn more about investing and trading so I asked her to teach me some basics since I’ve been focused in BTC and ETH. I had no idea these scams were even a thing, so I was fairly shocked when I did more digging on the internet after the fact.

She first texted me outside the dating app on sms, and after I started seeing some serious red flags, I was able to sync my phone contacts to Facebook (now having her number) and find her actual page, where her profile had pictures of different men and women with other users commenting “catfish” underneath.

But before that venture of finding her “identity” I was starting to get to know her better (she told some pretty deep stories and funny jokes and the crypto stuff was always the last thing we talked about). When she was finally ready to sit down and teach me to trade, she guided me in transferring some of my NFT ETH earnings (I put down 500$ to try it out despite her saying I should do more) to a BTC trading site she recommended. This site was called h5.decurrhpa.com and by no means use it. Here, your girlfriend/boyfriend scammer will have their account secretly linked to your page and it’s as insecure and shady as things can get, not to mention at any time they can take out money from you.

The first lesson will be teaching you how to trade + showing you how to make a small but nice cash flow. This first day I made 500$. After, they will help you transfer this money out as a sign for some false trust. Who’s not happy to earn easy money right?

What ended it though for me was when a couple days later she asked me to put down 50k out of the blue (which I literally didn’t have anyways so sucks for her) to do more “stable” trades. And from the nice conversations that we had shared previously, her tone became urgent and pressured because “the market is stable now so we need to act fast so you can make 4k in trades today.”

This was when I did the hardest “no” of my life and hopped into my second persona the mediocre internet sleuth and found all the horrible and crazy articles that have come out this past year. How people have put down 300k+ and suddenly their account is frozen and they’re required to pay massive fees before their money vanishes and your really hot friend has completely blocked you. I told her absolutely not, I was in no way putting down that kind of money.

I am so thankful I got out when I did, but I still have some underlining fears that she will find a way to access my money from my bank or Coinbase (i didn’t give her any private information as far as I know and have been frequently checking if everything is there).

Sitting down for 5 hours and making sure all my passwords to literally every app and account in existence where changed, I could sigh a breath of relief knowing that I got paid and she didn’t.

The moral of the story is just stay single

/r/Scams Thread