Fem bros who play sports and beat Masc bros, what is their reaction?

because as fags, we're already condemned... not so much as effeminate but as vulnerable. Of course, there's a difference when it comes to the military which in some ways sought to cultivate some homoerotic overtones to promote brotherhood / sisterhood for people you'd have to trust enough to put their lives on the line and that of your own for.

when I was growing up, tho, the schools wouldn't allow me to out of concerns for my health (or more specifically resulting lawsuits) ... not that I was particularly coordinated nor all that interested to ...

but it sets a narrative among other people, they tend to project onto it using the data in their own libraries to fill in the blanks. not unlike the scandalous rumors that spread with there being a twenty year or more difference between myself and that of my siblings. . . as most people were unaccustomed to how that could be possible. a situation already marred with living on the wrong side of the tracks as it were.

so, I took up some alternative sports instead.. mostly non-team sports and a couple less than popular team sports, where they were just desperate to fill in the ranks to really care too much about my potential limitations or other difficulties.

as to the title, it shocked a few people but didn't change their opinions in the long run... it's rather difficult to change a set narrative. What people think they know or believe to be true.

I'd even lose a few friends to persistent rumors despite having grown up with me and even being on the other side of similar rumors. . . because it is that powerful. No amount of 'proof' can change or shift some perceptions.

And there were others, that I met later in life, bullies that had no recollection of being bullies - the most frequent being, those that came out later themselves.

But all in all, I don't really understand your question. If I had to fill in the blanks, it might lead somewhere unintended.

/r/askgaybros Thread