We finally know why Bungie fired Marty.

The revised storyline for Destiny is both unfinished, and bad.

There are levels of "bad", destiny's original story could have been far worse by comparison even if the story as is isn't great.

Wildly waving around their opinion of an alpha stage game does you no good

Wildly waving? Holy fuck you don't even know what I'm referring to and you try and diminish it like this.

It's almost hilarious if you weren't so serious.

you're just trying to borrow some authority from their popularity because your own opinion is inadequate.

My opinion is so inadequate? Are you really this dense to try and argue you have a more fleshed out opinion on something that you fucking don't have the slightest idea of what it is.

Like holy fuck the audacity of your attempts of authority.

Now you're being a complete retard.

Oh thank god we threw away this curteosy. The only one being a retard here is yourself in an attempt to argue validity on an opinion which you have no fucking backing on.

I mean what stupid fuck tries to argue the opinion of someone who has experience something based on nothing they have experienced themselves.

You, you are that stupid fuck.

Not only is Destiny's vanilla budget nothing close to that

It absolutely did, that 500 million dollar quote is not fucking make believe, it includes marketing as well but you can bet your retarded little head it cost upwards of 100s of millions of dollars developing the game and engine. Bungies development team is fucking huge and delaying the game another year to rework the game cost them a fuck ton of money.

storyboard rewrites

Storyboard rewrites? Are you fucked in the head? The game had to be completely reworked, VO had to change, cinematics had to be scrapped and new ones needed to be made. The entire structure of the games story layout and how you went through it had to be chsnged.

Are you seriously stupid enough to think it's as simple as changing some scripts? Uncharted just rewrote it's new story and they had to delay the game by a year and rework half the game to fit with the new story.

Once again you are just blatantly making shit up.

Says the guy who tried to declare his opinion of something he has no fucking knowledge of as objective.

Red flag that I was dealing with a retard, should have left then but I guess I'll leave now.

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