I finally found my squish

Ok so I’m not sure if you want advice or not but I’m just going to give it to you because the best advice is the unsolicited kind. First off I think that before they graduate or move you should tell them how much you appreciate them and just how happy you are when you guys talk, it’s always nice to hear that and I think it would help bring you closer and maybe make it easier for you to tell her you love her in the future. Don’t tell her you love her (platonically) unless you’re ready to tell her. Next don’t wait for her to visit you. Go visit her if you can’t drive, call an uber. This way you can see her a lot more and don’t be worried about always being the one to go over there versus her not coming to you. The important thing is that you are seeing her and getting to spend time with her. I hope that helped even slightly. I have another story I could tell you that relates to this if you would like me to tell it. I hope everything works out for you. Also I’m sorry for all the punctuation I’m sure I messed up.

/r/aromantic Thread