Fire is really good

Ya this is exactly a reflection of how this sub comes off as. The basis of why this happens is just haters. They're doing really bad, and don't want anybody else to do good.

If somebody is doing great with any deck, my initial reaction is that's amazing. And even like to see more and what they're doing. I can't even fathom how miserable somebody would have to be to even have that mentality to respond to something like this with any form of haterade.

Like actually trying to go out of their way to invalidate it in the most narrow minded way possible. While at the same time knowing essentially nothing about it. Even the title is saying fire is really good. Immediately, I find that's really amazing.

And yes decks don't necessarily have to be good for global competition to just be good decks that are performing well in whatever environment. That's why that attitude leads to all the trolling that stifles any legitimate discussion.

Don't believe me? Try actually having an intelligent discussion about the deck in this very topic. Without trolls who have no clue what they're talking about or any regard to intelligent/constructive discussion, using any destructive method necessary to trash on it.

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