Flagstaff City Council pushes back against Governor Ducey's COVID-19 rollbacks

Fair enough on CNN, said that part more as a joke. But you’re exactly proving my point. You’re coming from a point of view that is stating that because you don’t agree with them, they’re “idiots”. i 100% agree with you in their being wrong by walking into a private business and shouting about “the constitution” and “muh freedoms” (example: costco karens). But its extremely closed minded to call people idiots and disregard what they’re saying because you disagree. There are people on both sides who shout things without thinking, and there are people on both sides who have differing opinions who 100% have thought through, critically, and come to their view. Just be more open minded. Thats all. The downvoting just pisses me off man

/r/Flagstaff Thread Link - azdailysun.com