Fizban’s subtlety changed the deakewarden drake: It no longer can gain a swim speed and breathe under water


No seriously. I actually love the idea of alternative movements that aren't just flight. Swim, climb, burrow... it's all great utility and makes for fun RP and problem solving. Fuck. Not every dragon or dragon-like thing can fly. But now a thing NOT called a dragon, but is a dragon, despite being called a drake, can't even go basic drake things?

And it STILL has the dumb as shit wording of "you" meaning your small companions can get a better use out of your drake than you can, at least for flight/mobility... because it'll still be incredibly hard to coordinate between your turn (the drake) and the companions turn, like normal. It's a minor thing, sure. But can we have nice things?

/r/dndnext Thread