UFC fighter Holly Holm calls for protecting kids from sexualization after her win on Saturday evening

Question is , are we empowering our pros role model with the necessary tool and platform as an individual? I not saying one person is perfect uncle Jim, but let say there only one platform that poses all the kinky stuff, when your message is actually to do good, like people,stop with the kinky stuff alright, as a wise old man had communicated,

Just make the decision, a 15 year old can decide it want to be pee on or not ok lest of all in the states... I see 3years old having a debate with a older person and looking pissed off even after losing alright and even though the adult was trying to let her/him win. Heard he Scottish as a fallen...which make it even more outlandish actually from my pov.

Oh and trust me, you don't want to know the world with only one platform. Now it is a weakness to just know technology...like dude,is not rocketscience, is just pure engineering and 100 percent sure the intent was to empower the individual.

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