For an "adult cartoon" I've found that I've enjoyed Family Guy less and less as I've grown older

I think that's the wrong attitude. Could they have made this all with CGI? Yes, probably. Would it have turned out as cool? Maybe, but probably not. I respect the effort and craftsmanship that went into creating all the set pieces, every scene is meticulously planned out and constructed. It's one thing to see some giant sprawling environment that's just programmed in a computer, where there are basically no limits on what can appear and what the characters can do. However when they're somewhat limited by the physical nature of the process, they have to get much more creative and imaginative.

Now we can render water so that it's basically indistinguishable from the real thing. However, they spent a lot of time and creativity figuring our how to make real physical objects flow and give the appearance of water. Which one do you think I want to see?

I actually want to pay money to see this so that it's supported and they'll do more things like it. I don't feel the slightest bit bad about streaming the latest overblown CGI-laden superhero movie.

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