Ana in Ranked...

This is getting on my nerves quick, so lets blow some steam. First off I'd like to say most people are actually lucky that someone is healing/picked a support, not most people want to leave their DPS roles for some reason. Second off, I understand she is new, and no one knows 100% how to play her yet makes sense that you think that way, but if I shut down half their ults, and do my healing when I can and is needed, then you can't complain. Third, people actually get upset with me when they don't get the specific 24/7 attention on my heals, even though I was a solo healer and the bastion (on attack payload) was like "Why am I not getting heals", and some other dude was saying the same thing, it isn't easy being a single healer, what so ever. Fourth is kinda a reiteration of the second point, but if I'm doing my job, sleeping ults, and healing the team, you can't just dump all the blame on me for little to no reason just because you aren't getting full attention, it sickens me. And finally fifth, which is the state of OW, I remember playing beta and being hyped for the game, but everyone is getting upset and angry after Comp was introduced, and its getting as bad as people ordering people around to switch, or just yelling at each other and getting nowhere, and that's not how it should be in a team game. It has gotten so bad that I've lost almost all the hype (being an old TF2 player) for such a game that is beautifully crafted but people are bringing it down. Guess that just comes with every competitive game now-a-days...

Anyway, I appreciate if you read all of this rambling, just needed to blow some steam for a little bit, hope yall don't mind. I'd like to hear from all your stories as well if you got any, and yall can talk among yourselves if you like! Sorry if I respond late and thank you in advance for reading through if I personally forget to do so!

/r/Overwatch Thread