For The Love of Magic just keeps getting funnier and funnier. Can't say I expected the story to end up here when I started reading.

Wait? What? Did you just say killing people as a counter? Where was that implied or said? I want the story pulled down, and you want to know why? In every ethnic/religious group, There's always gonna be the innocents, and the extremists/ What you were saying in your first reply, is-. no no, lemme try and put this into a picture for you, NoodleHammer here, is basically... let's say denouncing Muslims. Okay, that's established. Now tell me, it taking away a Peoples' opinion and free speech not oppressive? Yes, terrorism is indeed a problem, and yes, Muslims, have the ability to participate in Terrorism, just like any other people. Now then, Let's look at the innocents, hmmm? they do not want to harm people, yes? NoodleHammer marks down Muslims as incorrect, and backwards, yes? and [erhaps, they may be, but, the problem that NoodleHammer did, is that he generalized a population. e.x: "All Muslims are bad.", you would expect NoodleHammer to say this, yes? the thing is, that isn't true, Innocents are a thing, and Muslims can be innocent. What NoodleHammer here is trying to convey, here, is that if you are muslim, that's incorrect, and backwards, hmm? No. NoodleHammer, is, as you said, A "Silencer." he want to oppress the very idea of being muslim, no? I'll leave it to you to respond then.

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