for those who are recovering without professional help / ED specific treatment - how do you hold yourself accountable and challenge yourself?

Well I didn't start recovery by myself but I am basically doing it on my own now because I can't afford to see my dietitian currently and my therapist wants to just focus on my CPTSD. and honestly even in my first stages of recovery the place I was at was in the process of shutting down their adult unit so I wasn't really a focus, so a lot of the times I did have to handle stuff on my own so I think I can give some advice in this regards. For me getting workbooks pertaining to ED recovery and doing the homework in it helped to disconnect myself from my ED and starting to journal as well. I kept track of the progress I was making, even the smallest things so I could figure out where I was struggling and also feel good on what I was accomplishing.

I made a list of two goals each week to focus on, no more than that as to not overwhelm myself. I made sure they were realistic as well. Like I couldn't expect every behavior to be eliminated in a week. So I at times had to focus on decreasing behaviors week by week until it turned into full elimination of them.

I also basically made a list of unhealthy behaviors I had and their consequences, like how they negatively affected me physically/emotionally and what I needed to do instead. Also if you have someone you can tell when you do partake in something you know you shouldn't have, it can be helpful even if that person won't do anything about it. For me just the action of admiting that I was about to do something or did do something was enough to stop me from doing it or prevent me from doing it next time even if the person had nothing particularly helpful to say.

I also don't know your behaviors but if you count calories/weight yourself. Throw the scale out. Cover/rip off any calories on foods in your house or get containers if you can afford it. Or try and buy new brands/foods you don't know nutrition info on if feasible.

/r/fuckeatingdisorders Thread