I was forced to read a feminist themed book in college for one of my assignments

Did anyone else feel like the new Hobbit trilogy was mostly flawless and the best adaptation of the book so far? I loved it and I've seen each movie at least 2-3 times (once in theater and sometimes on TV). It was exactly what my dream adaptation of a book is like - instead of cutting a lot out, it's long enough to have pretty much everything and retain the same pacing, and it even added in cool new stuff, especially the Gandalf side-story. Some people complained about the CGI too but I never noticed anything wrong with it - looked great to me both in 3D in the theater and in 2D on TV. I really don't have a single substantial complaint against it, and I've read the original twice and seen 2 or 3 different animated adaptations of the movie - I wrote a paper comparing them or something in an English class once. These three Hobbit movies plus the three LotR movies make a great 6 movie series. Yet another thing that's a 10/10 to me that everypony else on the internet hates I guess.

Did anyone else feel like the new Hobbit trilogy was mostly flawless and the best adaptation of the book so far? I loved it and I've seen each movie at least 2-3 times (once in theater and sometimes on TV). It was exactly what my dream adaptation of a book is like - instead of cutting a lot out, it's long enough to have pretty much everything and retain the same pacing, and it even added in cool new stuff, especially the Gandalf side-story. Some people complained about the CGI too but I never noticed anything wrong with it - looked great to me both in 3D in the theater and in 2D on TV. I really don't have a single substantial complaint against it, and I've read the original twice and seen 2 or 3 different animated adaptations of the movie - I wrote a paper comparing them or something in an English class once. These three Hobbit movies plus the three LotR movies make a great 6 movie series. Yet another thing that's a 10/10 to me that everypony else on the internet hates I guess.

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