Found this meme on Twitter and improved it

Man. I said 3 sentences and you had an apparent aneurysm.

Yea dude, you said something so completely stupid that my brain exploded with laughter...thats exactly the point. hahahah

I get it.

I really, dont think you do.

Imagine saying something so dumb...then double and tripling down blaming Trump for you getting made fun of.

You don't like trump.

Trump has nothing to do with why youre a blithering idiot...stop trying to blame him.

Attacking me isn't going to change how I view politics.

Of course not. Thats what makes it so much better, you know youre wrong and you know you just made yourself look as dumb as possible and will still not learn. Thats exactly why you belong to the party that thinks being intelligent on any level makes you a transgendered frog or whatever.

Now slam your keyboard in a rage as you furiously hit refresh waiting for the next reply to try and defend yourself.

Upvoted for not being old enough to vote anyway. When you get to high school they'll explain all this to you.

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