Found out I'm most likely an ESTJ, but need to ask a few questions...

So for instance, you are an ENTJ, so you would be more in control of your anger right? For me, I feel like I get angry when certain details dont go as expected, or when pride becomes an issue, so I tend to get more angry often, to the point where i used to act incredibly childish and controlling.

Second question, What would be an example of an ENTJ's idealistic mindset? I'm not sure if this is necessarily idealistic, but I always felt that I have aspirations of building something bigger than myself, or at least be in a position to establish something in life. I don't really want to build something that I would feel is impractical, but of I see there are changes needed to make things more efficient and more practical, I'll make it. But besides that, I don't really think beyond that, but rather I think about what's the best course of action based on what I know and what I see works.

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