Free Talk Friday - Casual Friday Discussions

I have an idea for the future of Apple, let me know your thoughts.

Everyone is trying to think of the next big innovative idea and I think we've come to a lull. Big screens, powerful cameras, and getting the max use of our current architecture of phones is the direction we're heading and it seems to me we're about to hit a wall. There's not much further to go than a completely bezel-free, high-resolution, high-megapixel, high-powered phone, and the ideas depicted in sci-fi aren't attainable yet unless we fully shift our focus to one specific sector. Like Jobs did when putting together the iPhone, they spent 2 years making it everything that it was, and it was revolutionizing.

With our current tech and the direction we're heading, I think Apple should put full focus on AR for mobile devices. The focus needs to be on shrinking and improving head gear and creating a fully AR version of iOS. The bulkiness of VR headsets and horrible attempt of Google Glass shows we're trying to head in the right direction but we're not quite there.

If Apple puts full focus on the future of AR, I feel they can achieve the innovative ideas that had before and truly revolutionize the way we live on a day to day basis, like they already have. As we see they're heading in the right direction, I don't think they're putting enough importance on what the future of AR means for the company. They need to shift out of what the shareholders just want and focus on innovating again. Why are they chasing Tesla? Why is iPhone behind Chinese manufacturers? Sure, and Apple car sounds great, but is that the future of this tech company?

Look at Microsoft Hololens, they have part of the idea down but it's meant to be more stationary. We already know Apple can do wearables very well with how successful the Watch is. The next thing needs to be a proper set of AR Glasses that when scaled up can have reasonable costs so the majority of us can get our hands on it. If they can pull off a fully integrated iOS into some AR glasses in a simple to use and fairly inexpensive way, that allows you to add in your prescription, I think the market could see a full adoption of the tech. If they can have something like this ready to go by 2020, I think they could have HUGE adoption rates of the tech, bigger than the Watch.

Maybe they already are, or somebody else already is that they will just buy out, but this to me feels like the future. There's so much possibility in AR.

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