Make a friend thread

What up, I play tenor sax (also piano but not as much) and I'm a huge fan of all types of jazz and classical music. I also dig Queen, the Beatles, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, Green Day, and lots of other artists as well. Recently I've been listening to John Williams' (and Giacchino's) Star Wars soundtracks nonstop.

I'm a huge Star Wars nerd and can list off thousands of (canon) facts off of the top of my head; comics, shows, books, short stories, I know them all. I love all eight movies equally. I also love movies in general, and Manchester by the Sea was my favorite flick of 2016 (besides Rogue One of course). I used to game a lot more, but recently I've kind of stopped. My favorite series were bioshock, fallout, Elder scrolls, Pokémon, Metroid and Smash; I occasionally play Overwatch. If they were cheaper, I'd be a huge lego fan. I treat myself from time to time but they're just way too overpriced these days.

I want to pursue writing and English studies in college. I'm currently lamenting over all the colleges I'm being rejected from. So yeah, that's me. Come at me nerdz.

/r/teenagers Thread