A friendly post to PLEASE do your research before going into fish-keeping.

Very true and even I have taken bad advice unknowingly from LFS employees. I have lost many fish over the years because of issues that could have easily been rectified had I of known more and to this day, I have done most if not all of my research on Google or from watching videos. With that said, this post is more aimed at those who are genuinely not in it for the long-haul and the ones who deep down know that it’s wrong to go and chuck a fish into a tank full of tank water.. it’s just common sense to think “Hmm this can’t be all there is to it” and to actually be inclined to do some research albeit preferably BEFORE buying the fish lol!

We all have to start somewhere and even the most knowledgeable in the hobby can still have F ups but it never hurt anyone to just be a little better educated or even have a bit of a refresher on the good and bad in water chemistry. :)

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