I've just picked up this pretty girl instead of the plants I was going to buy and well.. I need a bit of help.

I didn't mean to come home with a fish, but I couldn't help picking her up. I know it's wrong to buy them when they're sick but the worker I spoke to as I was checking out just thought she was fat and didn't seem concerned at all. The other cups were pretty dirty too, but she was looking the most uncomfortable. I have two tanks, ones a 2.5 gallon where my male betta is in until I can cycle my new 10 gallon. I have a small (and I mean SMALL) tank that my friend had kept her old betta in that i could use? Should I just move my male betta into the new tank and put her in the 2.5? I know I messed up here but she looked so pitiful in the cup. How can I make her more comfortable?

/r/bettafish Thread Link - v.redd.it