Fuck you, New York

My favorite part about expressing your opinion on the internet is the fucking metric assload of assumptions people then have.

I don't like guns so I: don't know American history, don't know why they are significant, don't know what positices they might have. I've also heard that I: hate freedom, am unamerican, a terrorist, socialist, and probably a lot more that I can't remember. All because I think guns are fucking stupid.

So yes, no shit they are a significant part of American history. Congrata-fuckin-lations for being smart enough to come to that absolutely genius conclusion. And not once did I even say that I had any problems with the second amendment. Not once. I think it's a wonderful and necessary amendment​. And I think it should never change.

I think, regardless of the law, gun OBSESSION is the true cancer. The fact that there's a goddamn internet forum for survival fetishists to share their love of death machines is so bizarre and ass-backwards. Guns are a last resort. They aren't toys. They aren't meant to be collected and glorified like cars or sports. They aren't a game. Every single one of your stupid goddamn toys, you fucking rednecks, is capable of taking the life away from tens of people without you breaking a sweat. And the fact that you've all romantacized that is absolutely retarded. The gun laws are fine. You can buy a gun in pretty much every first world country. the thing is that people don't WANT to buy guns, because they don't have the bizarre fetishes that the American society has.

I know gun store patrons. I see the retarded mentality. You fantasize about being the "good guy with a gun" and stopping the next major terrorist attack (at your local Walmart). You wanna make yourself think that you can defend yourself even though you obviously can't, so you spend thousands on fancy guns instead of putting time and effort into learning real defense methods that are far less glamorous. You pretend like it's "just for hunting" or "just for the range", but we all fucking know you can't wait to shoot em in public. Because you're fucking cowards with a superhero fantasy that will never be fullfilled. Go learn a martial art or do something that isn't a cheap cop out. You wanna be able to kill everyone around you? Go do that.

/r/guns Thread Parent Link - imgur.com