Full Steam Ahead! - A Steampunk RPG (Would love to know what all of you think)

Holy shit, this looks like a terrible homebrew that incompetently rips off the Apocalypse World "moves" and has terrible, overcomplicated character creation.

Also, learn to format. Size fucking 16 font for your Wordpress is only useful if your blog is being read by retarded 6 year olds. Which is likely the target demographic for your game.


"The gameplay emphasizes three things: solving mysteries, escaping large scale calamities and stopping the adversary’s plan."

Fucking hell, isn't this the point of MOST FUCKING RPGs? Way to say a lot of nothing in a paragraph. But then, it's a wordpress blog, so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.

"Combat on the other hand works a little more traditionally. The attacker makes an attack roll with their weapon/contraption of choice and the defender makes a defense roll. If the defender has more or an equal amount of successes, they go unharmed, If the attacker has more successes, the defender is dealt damage based on the contraption used."

This was shit in Shadowrun and it's shit now. The only time I'd ever want to use a dicepool system was if the NSA was coming for me and I needed to convince myself to commit suicide. Even then, it would be quicker to just watch Fox News for 20 minutes and lose all faith in the world that way.

"But with the increase in of technology there has also been an increase in danger."

Holy shit you write like a seventh grader. You remind me of a 16 year old I know who's been "homeschooled" for the last 5 years and sends me samples of his shitty writing, and it's written like a first grader. By that estimate, I'm guessing you're around 21? You might be older, but honestly it just gets even sadder from there.

Honestly your game is a fucking mess. Try an actual document and explaining your ideas clearly and how they relate to each other, and you might get somewhere. Until then, your autistic idea-dump is just vomit on a page taking up a few kilobytes on the wordpress server.

inb4 a shitload of people say "i'd totally play OP's game" just to spite me.

/r/rpg Thread Link - versionspot.wordpress.com