FYI - Russian twitter bots are starting to appear in support of far-left causes now, too. Be on your guard for fake news and extremism being fanned for anti-Trump causes.

While the inconsistencies and times of day are pretty good reasons, some of this comes off as really xenophobic. A huge percentage of Americans aren't native english speakers, guys. They're still Americans. It's obvious this guy's first language is Slavic/Slavic adjacent, but I don't see how that proves he's a false flag. Way too much of the tweetessay was focused on proving he's not a native English speaker. It's not a good idea to treat everyone with weak English skills as suspicious, which is what tweets like this will do in the big picture. Most average people aren't going to learn enough about Russian grammar to identify it specifically (as opposed to other common Esl mistakes) and will apply it to anyone and everyone

Also at the end OP talks about his claim to have a Hungarian wife as if that's an inconsistency? Like the other stuff 100% no doubt no doubt, but they said something like "how can he live in three different places at once or have a grandpa who both died and survived in ww2 and also a Hungarian wife" ? What's unbelievable about that?? At least the other xenophobia-lite stuff had the extra excuse that it contradicted something else he claimed, but like did I miss the part where he contradicted being married?

Overall tho your point is legit and your title is accurate. Thanks for sharing

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